Company details
The website Hereinafter referred to as ” Site ” is the property of the company SIVALBP SAS ” SIVALBP “, the registered capital of 3 800 000 €, registered with the RCS ANNECY under number 451 161 004 located 1 rue Petit Pessey Zone Artisanale La Balmette 74230 THÔNES, taken in the person of its legal representatives in office.
Postal address :
1 rue du Petit Pessey Zone Artisanale La Balmette 74230 THÔNES
Fax :
Publication director
The director of the publication is Monsieur Guillaume Tormos, Managing Director.
Host contact details
The service provider providing accommodation is OVH – 2 Rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 .
Phone : 09 . 72 . 10 . 10 . 07
Graphic and ergonomic design
The website was designed and produced by Linghün Studio.
Intellectual property
The Site, the elements making up the Site and / or the products presented on the Site are protected by intellectual property law, namely in particular copyright and / or trademark law and / or design law and models and / or patent law and are the exclusive property of SIVALBP .
In the event that SIVALBP does not hold the rights, it will have requested an express and prior reproduction authorization from the third party holders of the rights.
SIVALBP consents to the u ser Site , a right of private, non-collective and non-exclusive of the Site for consultation. Any other use constitutes an infringement and is punishable under the Intellectual Property Code, without the prior and express authorization of SIVALBP .
The User therefore acknowledges that, in the absence of prior, express and written authorization from SIVALBP , any total or partial copy and any distribution or use of one or more of the elements referred to above, even modified, will be liable to give rise to legal proceedings against him.
In general, the User undertakes not to infringe in any way whatsoever the products, nor to make improper use of them that would discredit or devalue directly or indirectly SIVALBP and / or its products and / or its image.
Protection of personal data
The personal data that SIVALBP receives from the User correspond to the information required in particular to use the Site , respond to your contact / appointment / expertise request, receive your application and / or subscribe to the newsletter.
These personal data are subject to computer processing allowing SIVALBP to identify each of the Users, to communicate with them, if necessary to respond to their requests, to ensure the management of their requests, to ensure the management of their application and ensure good management of the commercial relationship.
The personal data are intended, in the first place, for SIVALBP to manage the relationship. SIVALBP may then communicate them to other recipients providing it with services in connection with the Site, to the extent authorized or provided for by law.
In this case, the transfer of personal data is limited to what is strictly essential. In addition, SIVALBP ensures that these service providers comply with its instructions, implement all appropriate measures to guarantee the security of Users’ personal data and comply with the regulations in this area.
Personal data will be kept for the entire duration strictly for the purpose pursued , in the absence of a request for deletion or opposition from the User in the meantime.
SIVALBP implements all appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data collected.
In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, the User may exercise a right of access, rectification, opposition, portability, limitation of the processing and deletion of personal data concerning him.
To exercise this right, the User can contact one of the following addresses:
– By email:
– By post: 1 rue du Petit Pessey Zone Artisanale La Balmette 74230 THÔNES
He will be answered within one month.
The User also has, if necessary, an appeal to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL). However, he can contact SIVALBP in advance, which will respond within two months.
For more information, the User is invited to read the privacy policy adopted by SIVALBP.
Website updates
SIVALBP may consider it necessary to update or reset certain parameters of the Site and its elements.
Thus, SIVALBP notably reserves the right to develop the Site, in particular by making new functionalities available, or by modifying or removing certain functionalities.
These updates, resets, evolutions are likely to temporarily prevent the User from accessing the Site and / or lead to a modification of the architecture of the Site and its elements, which the User expressly acknowledges, the liability of SIVALBP cannot be engaged in this respect.
Apart from the specific cases discussed in this article, SIVALBP can only be held liable under the conditions of common law.
SIVALBP is bound by a single obligation of means within the framework of the provision of the Site and can in no way be responsible for any loss, damage, direct or indirect damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the management, the use, operation, interruption or malfunction of the Site.
The User acknowledges that SIVALBP can in fact under no circumstances guarantee that the Site will meet performance requirements or that it will operate without interruption or without bugs.
If SIVALBP becomes aware of the existence of a dysfunction or a bug relating to the Site or one of its elements, or if it is informed by a User, then SIVALBP will make its best efforts to correct these malfunctions or bugs.
In any case, SIVALBP can in no way be held responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from non-compliance by the User with the T & Cs , a malfunction of the Site or its elements, a modification or ” an alteration of the Site by a User, or any attack which would be brought to the Site or to its elements.
Responsibility SIVALBP will not be engaged in case of occurrence of an event of force majeure as defined by law.
Responsabilité élargie des Producteurs (REP)
Sivalbp is registered in the National Register of marketers of construction products and materials in the building sector under number FR325333_04DPPC. This number guarantees that Sivalbp, by joining Éco-maison, is in compliance with the regulatory obligations incumbent upon it pursuant to article L 541-10-1 10° of the Environmental Code.